My word template for Quarto

I have posted on Github my notes on creating a word template to use with quarto. And since Quarto is just feeding into pandoc, those who are just using pandoc (so not doing intermediate computations), should maybe find that template worthwhile as well.

So first, why word? Quarto by default looks pretty nice for HTML. That is fine for them to prioritize that, but the majority of reports I want to use quarto for HTML is not the best format. Many times I want a report that can be emailed in PDF and/or printed. And sometimes I (or my clients) want a semi-automated report that can be edited after the fact. In those cases word is a good choice.

Editing LaTeX is too hard, and I am pretty happy with the this template for small reports. I will be sharing my notes on writing my python book in Quarto soonish, but for now wanted to share how I created a word template.

Note some of the items may seem gratuitous (why so many CRIME De-Coder logos?). Part of those are just notes though (like how to insert an image after your author name, I have done this to insert my signature in reports for example). The qmd file has most of the things I am interested in doing in documents, such as how to format markdown tables in python, doings sections/footnotes, references, table/figure captions, etc.

I do like my logo though in the header (it is hyperlinked even, so in subsequent PDFs if you click the logo it will go to my website), and the footer page numbers I commonly need in reports as well. And my title page and TOC do not look bad as well IMO. I am not one to discuss fonts, but I like small caps for titles and the Verdana font is nice to make it look somewhat different.

Creating the Template

So first, you can do from the command line:

quarto pandoc -o custom-reference-doc.docx --print-default-data-file reference.docx

From there, you should edit that reference.docx file to get what you want. So for example, if you want to change the font used for code snippets, in Word you can open up Styles, and on the right hand side select different elements and edit them:

Here for example to change the font for code snippets, you modify the HTML code style (I like Consolas):

There ended up being a ton of things I edited, I did not keep a list. Offhand you will want to modify the Title, Headings 1 & 2, First Paragraph, Body Text. And then you can edit things like the page numbers and header/footer.

So when rendering a document, you can sometimes click on the element in the rendered document and figure out what style it inherits from. Here for example you can see in the test.docx file that the quote section uses the “Block Text” style:

This does not always work though, and it can take some digging/experimentation in the original template file to get the right style modifier. (If you are having a real hard problem, convert the word document format to .zip, and dig into the XML documents. You can see the style formats in inherits from in the XML tree.) It doesn’t work for the code segments for example. Do not render a document and edit the style in that document, only edit the original --print-default-data-file reference.docx that was generated from the command line to update your template.

I have placed a few notes in the readme on Github, but one of my main things was making tables look nice. So this plays nicely with markdown tables, which I can use python to render directly. Here is an example of spreading tables across multiple pages.

One thing to note though is that this has limits – different styles are interrelated, so sometimes I would change one and it would propagate errors to different elements. (I can’t figure out how to change the default bullets to squares instead of circles for example without having bullets in places they should not be in tables – try to figure that one out. I also cannot figure out how to change the default font in tables, I would use monospace, without changing the font for other text elements in normal blocks.) So this template was the best I could figure without making other parts broken.

I have a few notes in the qmd file as well, showing how to use different aspects of markdown, as well as some sneaky things to do extra stuff (like formatting fourth level headings to produce a page break, I do not think I will need that deep of headings).

Even for those not using Quarto for computational workflows, writing in markdown is a really useful skill. You write in plain text, and can then have the output in different formats. Even for qualitative folks (or people in industry creating documents), I think many people would be well served by writing content in plain text markdown, and then rendering to whatever output they wanted.

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