Harmweighted hotspots, using ESRI python API, and Crime De-Coder Updates

Haven’t gotten the time to publish a blog post in a few. There has been a ton of stuff I have put out on my Crime De-Coder website recently. For some samples since I last mentioned here, have published four blog posts:

  • on what AI regulation in policing would look like
  • high level advice on creating dashboards
  • overview of early warning systems for police
  • types of surveys for police departments

For surveys a few different groups have reached out to me in regards to the NIJ measuring attitudes solicitation (which is essentially a follow up of the competition Gio and myself won). So get in touch if interested (whether a PD or a research group), may try to coordinate everyone to have one submission instead of several competing ones.

To keep up with everything, my suggestion is to sign up for the RSS feed on the site. If you want an email use the if this than that service. (I may have to stop doing my AltAc newsletter emails, it is so painful to send 200 emails and I really don’t care to sign up for another paid for service to do that.)

I also have continued the AltAc newsletter. Getting started with LLMs, using secrets, advice on HTML, all sorts of little pieces of advice every other week.

I have created a new page for presentations. Including, my recent presentation at the Carolina Crime Analysis Association Conference. (Pic courtesy of Joel Caplan who was repping his Simsi product – thank you Joel!)

If other regional IACA groups are interested in a speaker always feel free to reach out.

And finally a new demo on creating a static report using quarto/python. It is a word template I created (I like often generating word documents that are easier to post-hoc edit, it is ok to automate 90% and still need a few more tweaks.)

Harmweighted Hotspots

If you like this blog, also check out Iain Agar’s posts, GIS/SQL/crime analysis – the good stuff. Here I wanted to make a quick note about his post on weighting Crime Harm spots.

So the idea is that when mapping harm spots, you could have two different areas with same high harm, but say one location had 1 murder and one had 100 thefts. So if murder harm weight = 100 and theft harm weight = 1, they would be equal in weight. Iain talks about different transformations of harm, but another way to think about it is in terms of variance. So here assuming Poisson variance (although in practice that is not necessary, you could estimate the variance given enough historical time series data), you would have for your two hotspots:

Hotspot1: mean 1 homicide, variance 1
Hotspot2: mean 100 thefts, variance 100

Weight of 100 for homicides, 1 for theft

Hotspot1: Harmweight = 1*100 = 100
          Variance = 100^2*1 = 10,000
          SD = sqrt(10,000) = 100

Hotspot2: Harmweight = 100*1 = 100
          Variance = 1^2*100 = 100
          SD = sqrt(100) = 10

When you multiply by a constant, which is what you are doing when multiplying by harm weights, the relationship with variance is Var(const*x) = const^2*Var(x). The harm weights add variance, so you may simple add a penalty term, or rank by something like Harmweight - 2*SD (so the lower end of the harm CI). So in this example, the low end of the CI for Hotspot 1 is 0, but the low end of the CI for Hotspot2 is 80. So you would rank Hotspot2 higher, even though they are the same point estimate of harm.

The rank by low CI is a trick I learned from Evan Miller’s blog.

You could fancy this up more with estimating actual models, having multiple harm counts, etc. But this is a quick way to do it in a spreadsheet with just simple counts (assuming Poisson variance). Which I think is often quite reasonable in practice.

Using ESRI Python API

So I knew you could use python in ESRI, they have a notebook interface now. What I did not realize is now with Pro you can simply do pip install arcgis, and then just interact with your org. So for a quick example:

from arcgis.gis import GIS

# Your ESRI url
gis = GIS("https://modelpd.maps.arcgis.com/", username="user_email", password="???yourpassword???")
# For batch geocoding, probably need to do GIS(api_key=<your api key>)

This can be in whatever environment you want, so you don’t even need ArcGIS installed on the system to use this. It is all web-api’s with Pro. To geocode for example, you would then do:

from arcgis.geocoding import geocode, Geocoder, get_geocoders, batch_geocode

# Can search to see if any nice soul has published a geocoding server

arcgis_online = GIS()
items = arcgis_online.content.search('geocoder north carolina', 'geocoding service', max_items=30)

# And we have four
#[<Item title:"North Carolina Address Locator" type:Geocoding Layer owner:ecw31_dukeuniv>,
# <Item title:"Southeast North Carolina Geocoding Service" type:Geocoding Layer owner:RaleighGIS>, 
# <Item title:"Geocoding Service - AddressNC " type:Geocoding Layer owner:nconemap>, 
# <Item title:"ArcGIS World Geocoding Service - NC Extent" type:Geocoding Layer owner:NCDOT.GOV>]

geoNC = Geocoder.fromitem(items[0]) # lets try Duke
#geoNC = Geocoder.fromitem(items[-1]) # NCDOT.GOV
# can also do directly from URL
# via items[0].url
# url = 'https://utility.arcgis.com/usrsvcs/servers/8caecdf6384144cbafc9d56944af1ccf/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer'
# geoNC = Geocoder(url,gis)

res = geocode('123 Vivian Street, Durham, NC 27701',geocoder=geoNC, max_locations=1)

Note you cannot cache the geocoding results. To do that, you need to use credits and probably sign in via a token and not a username password.

# To cache, need a token
r2 = geocode('123 Vivian Street, Durham, NC 27701',geocoder=geoNC, max_locations=1,for_storage=True)

# If you have multiple addresses, use batch_geocode, again need a token
#dc_res = batch_geocode(FullAddressList, geocoder=geoNC) 

Geocoding to this day is still such a pain. I will need to figure out if you can make a local geocoding engine with ESRI and then call that through Pro (I mean I know you can, but not sure pricing for all that).

Overall being able to work directly in python makes my life so much easier, will need to dig more into making some standard dashboards and ETL processes using ESRI’s tools.

I have another post that has been half finished about using the ESRI web APIs, hopefully will have time to put that together before another 6 months passes me by!

Won NIJ competition on surveys

The submission Gio and myself put together, Using Every Door Direct Mail Web Push Surveys and Multi-level modelling with Post Stratification to estimate Perceptions of Police at Small Geographies, has won the NIJ Innovations in Measuring Community Attitudes Survey challenge.

Specifically we took 1st in the non-probability section of the competition. The paper has the details, but using every door direct mail + post-stratifying the estimates is the approach we advocate. If you are a city or research group interested in implementing this and need help, feel free to get in touch.

Of course if you want to do this yourself go for it (part of the reason it won was because the method should be doable for many agencies in house), but letting me and Gio know we were the inspiration is appreciated!

Second, for recruiting for criminology PhDs, CRIME De-Coder has teamed up with the open access CrimRXiv consortium

This example shows professor adverts, but I think the best value add for this is for more advanced local govt positions. Anymore many of those civil service gigs are very competitive with lagging professor salaries.

For people hiring advanced roles, there are two opportunities. One is advertising – so for about the same amount as advertising on LinkedIn, you can publish a job advert. This is much more targeted than LinkedIn, so if you want PhD talent this is a good deal to get your job posting on the right eyeballs.

The second service is recruiting for a position. This is commission based – if I place a candidate for the role then you pay the recruiter (me and CrimRXiv) a commission. For that I personally reach out to my network of people with PhDs interested in positions, and do the first round of vetting for your role.

Third, over on Crime De-Coder I have another round of the newsletter up, advice this round is that many smaller cities have good up and coming tech markets, plus advice about making fonts larger in python/R plots. (Note in response to that post, Greg Ridgeway says it is better to save as vector graphics as oppossed to high res PNG. Vector is slightly more work to check everything is kosher in the final produced plot, but that is good advice from Greg. I am lazy with the PNG advice.)

No more newsletters this year, but let me know if you want to sign up and I will add you to the list.

Last little tidbit, in the past I have used the pdftk tool to combine multiple PDFs together. This is useful when using other tools to create documents, so you have multiple outputs in the end (like a cover page or tech appendix), and want to combine those all together into a single PDF to share. But one thing I noticed recently, if your PDF has internal table of content (TOC) links (as is the case for LaTeX, or in my case a document built using Quarto), using pdftk will make the TOC links go away. You can however use ghostscript instead, and the links still work as normal.

On my windows machine, it looks something like:

gswin64 -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o MergedDoc.pdf CoverPage.pdf Main.pdf Appendix.pdf

So a few differences that if you just google. Installing the 64 bit version on my windows machine, the executable is gswin64, not gs from the command line. Second, I needed to manually add C:\Program Files\gs\gs10.02.1\bin to my PATH for this to work at the command prompt the way you would expect, installing did not do that directly.

Quarto is awesome by the way – definitely suggest people go check that out.

Youtube interview with Manny San Pedro on Crime Analysis and Data Science

I recently did an interview with Manny San Pedro on his YouTube channel, All About Analysis. We discuss various data science projects I conducted while either working as an analyst, or in a researcher/collaborator capacity with different police departments:

Here is an annotated breakdown of the discussion, as well as links to various resources I discuss in the interview. This is not a replacement for listening to the video, but is an easier set of notes to link to more material on what particular item I am discussing.

0:00 – 1:40, Intro

For rundown of my career, went to do PhD in Albany (08-15). During that time period I worked as a crime analyst at Troy, NY, as well as a research analyst for my advisor (Rob Worden) at the Finn Institute. My research focused on quant projects with police departments (predictive modeling and operations research). In 2019 went to the private sector, and now work as an end-to-end data scientist in the healthcare sector working with insurance claims.

You can check out my academic and my data science CV on my about page.

I discuss the workshop I did at the IACA conference in 2017 on temporal analysis in Excel.

Long story short, don’t use percent change, use other metrics and line graphs.

7:30 – 13:10, Patrol Beat Optimization

I have the paper and code available to replicate my work with Carrollton PD on patrol beat optimization with workload equality constraints.

For analysts looking to teach themselves linear programming, I suggest Hillier’s book. I also give examples on linear programming on this blog.

It is different than statistical analysis, but I believe has as much applicability to crime analysis as your more typical statistical analysis.

13:10 – 14:15, Million Dollar Hotspots

There are hotspots of crime that are so concentrated, the expected labor cost reduction in having officers assigned full time likely offsets the position. E.g. if you spend a million dollars in labor addressing crime at that location, and having a full time officer reduces crime by 20%, the return on investment for hotspots breaks even with paying the officers salary.

I call these Million dollar hotspots.

14:15 – 28:25, Prioritizing individuals in a group violence intervention

Here I discuss my work on social network algorithms to prioritize individuals to spread the message in a focussed deterrence intervention. This is opposite how many people view “spreading” in a network, I identify something good I want to spread, and seed the network in a way to optimize that spread:

I also have a primer on SNA, which discusses how crime analysts typically define nodes and edges using administrative data.

Listen to the interview as I discuss more general advice – in SNA it matters what you want to accomplish in the end as to how you would define the network. So I discuss how you may want to define edges via victimization to prevent retaliatory violence (I think that would make sense for violence interupptors to be proactive for example).

I also give an example of how detective case allocation may make sense to base on SNA – detectives have background with an individuals network (e.g. have a rapport with a family based on prior cases worked).

28:25 – 33:15, Be proactive as an analyst and learn to code

Here Manny asked the question of how do analysts prevent their role being turned into more administrative role (just get requests and run simple reports). I think the solution to this (not just in crime analysis, but also being an analyst in the private sector) is to be proactive. You shouldn’t wait for someone to ask you for specific information, you need to be defining your own role and conducting analysis on your own.

He also asked about crime analysis being under-used in policing. I think being stronger at computer coding opens up so many opportunities that learning python, R, SQL, is the area I would like to see stronger skills across the industry. And this is a good career investment as it translates to private sector roles.

33:15 – 37:00, How ChatGPT can be used by crime analysts

I discuss how ChatGPT may be used by crime analysis to summarize qualitative incident data and help inform . (Check out this example by Andreas Varotsis for an example.)

To be clear, I think this is possible, but the tech I don’t think is quite up to that standard yet. Also do not submit LEO sensitive data to OpenAI!

Also always feel free to reach out if you want to nerd out on similar crime analysis questions!

Dashboards are often not worth the effort

When end users see dashboards, they often think “this is really whiz-bang cool, lets do that for our data”. There are two issues though I commonly see with dashboards. One is the nature of the task to be accomplished with the dashboard is not well defined, and so even a visually well done dashboard mostly goes unused. The second, there are a ton of headaches deploying dashboards with real data – and the effort to do it right is not worth it.

For the first part, consider a small agency that has a simple crime trends dashboard. The intent is to identify anomalous upticks of crime. This requires someone log into the dashboard, click around the different crime trends, and visually seeing if they are higher than expected. It would be easier to either have an automated alert when some threshold is met, or a standardized report (e.g. once a week) that is emailed to review.

This post is not going to even be about ‘most dashboards show stupid data’ or ‘the charts show the data in totally inappropriate ways’. Even in cases in which you can build a nice dashboard, the complexity level is IMO not worth it in many situations I have encountered. Automating alerts and building regular standard reports for the vast majority of situations is in my opinion a better solution for data products. The whiz-bang being able to interactively click stuff will only be used by a very small number of people (who can often build stuff like that for themselves anyway).

So onto the second part, deploying dashboards with real data that others can interact with. Many of the cool example dashboards you see online do tricks that would be inappropriate for a production dashboard. So even if someone is like ‘yeah I can do a demo dashboard in a day on my laptop’, there is still a ton of more work to expose that dashboard to different individuals, which is probably the ultimate goal.

Dashboards have two parts: A) connecting to a source database, then B) exposing the user-interface to outside parties. Seems simple right? Wrong.

Lets start with part A, connecting to a source database. Many dashboard examples you see online cheat at this stage – they embed a static version of the data in the dashboard itself. If Gary needs to re-upload the data to the dashboard every week, what happens when Gary goes on vacation or takes a day off? You now have an out of date dashboard.

It is quite hard to manage connections between live source data and a dashboard. In the case you have a public facing dashboard, I would just host a public file somewhere on the internet (so anyone can download the source data), and point to that source, and then have some automated process update that source data. This solves the Gary went on vacation factor at least, and there is no security risk. You intentionally only upload data that can be disseminated to the public.

One potential alternative with the public facing dashboard is to make a serverless file. This will often embed the dashboard (and maybe data) into the webpage itself (e.g. pyscript wasm), so it may be slow to start up, but will work reasonably well if you can handle a one minute lag. You don’t need to worry about malicious actors in that scenario, as the heavy computation is done on the clients computer, not your server. I have an example on CRIME De-Coder (note it is currently not up to date, my code is running fine, but Dallas post the cyber-attack has not been updating their public data).

Managing a direct connection to your source data in a public facing dashboard is not a good idea, as malicious actors can spam your dashboard. This denial of service attack will not only make your dashboard unresponsive, but will also eat up your database processing. (Big companies often have a reporting database server vs a production database server in the best case scenario, but this requires resources most public sector agencies do not have.)

The solution to this is to limit who can access the dashboard, part B above. Unfortunately, the majority of dashboard software when you want to make a live connection and/or limit who can see the information, you are in the ‘need to pay for this scenario’. A very unfortunate aspect of the ‘you need to pay for this’ is that most of these vendors charge per viewer – it isn’t a flat fee. PowerBI is maybe OK if your organization already pays for Sharepoint, Tableau licensing is so painful I wouldn’t suggest it.

So what is the alternative? You are now in charge of spinning up your own server so people can click a dropdown menu and generate a line graph. Again you need to worry about security, but at least if you can hide behind a local network or VPN it is probably doable for most police departments.

I don’t want to say dashboards are never worth it. I think public facing dashboards are a good thing for police transparency, and if done right are easier to implement than private ones. Private ones are doable as well (especially if limiting to intranet applications). But like I said, this level of effort is over the top compared to just doing a regular report.

Updates on CRIME De-Coder and ASEBP

So I have various updates on my CRIME De-Coder consulting site, as well as new posts on the American Society of Evidence Based Policing Criminal Justician series.

CRIME De-Coder

Blog post, Don’t use percent change for crime data, use this stat instead. I have written a bunch here about using Poisson Z-scores, so if you are reading this it is probably old news. Do us all a favor and in your Compstat reports drop ridiculous percent change metrics with low baselines, and use 2 * ( sqrt(Current) - sqrt(Past) ).

Blog post, Dashboards should be up to date. I will have a more techy blog post here on my love/hate relationship with dashboards (most of the time static reports are a better solution). But one scenario they do make sense is for public facing dashboards, but they should be up to date. The “free” versions of popular tools (Tableau, PowerBI) don’t allow you to link to a source dataset and get auto-updated, so you see many old dashboards out of date online. If you contract with me, I can automate it so it is up to date and doesn’t rely on an analyst manually updating the information.

Demo page – that page currently includes demonstrations for:

The WDD Tool is pure javascript – picking up more of that slowly (the Folium map has a few javascript listener hacks to get it to look the way I want). As a reference for web development, I like Jon Duckett’s three books (HTML, javascript, PHP).

Ultimately too much stuff to learn, but on the agenda are figuring out google cloud compute + cloud databases a bit more thoroughly. Then maybe add some PHP to my CRIME De-Coder site (a nicer contact me form, auto-update sitemap, and rss feed). I also want to learn how to make ArcGIS dashboards as well.

Criminal Justician

The newest post is Situational crime prevention and offender planning – discussing one of my favorite examples of crime prevention through environmental design (on suicide prevention) and how it is a signal about offender behavior that goes beyond simplistic impulsive behavior. I then relate this back to current discussion of preventing mass shootings.

If you have ideas about potential posts for the society (or this blog or crime de-coders blog), always feel free to make a pitch

Hacking folium for nicer legends

I have accumulated various code to hack folium based maps over several recent projects, so figured would share. It is a bit too much to walk through the entire code inline in a blog post, but high level the extras this code does:

  • Adds in svg elements for legends in the layer control
  • Has a method for creating legends for choropleth maps
  • Inserts additional javascript to make a nice legend title (here a clickable company logo) + additional attributions

Here is the link to a live example, and below is a screenshot:

So as a quick rundown, if you are adding in an element to a folium layer, e.g.:

folium.FeatureGroup(name="Your Text Here",overlay=True,control=True)

You can insert arbitrary svg code into the name parameter, e.g. you can do something like <span><svg .... /svg>HotSpots</span>, and it will correctly render. So I have functions to make the svg icon match the passed color. So you can see I have a nice icon for city boundary’s, as well as a blobby thing for hotspots.

There in the end are so many possible parameters, I try to make reasonable functions without too crazy many parameters. So if someone wanted different icons, I might just make a different function (probably wouldn’t worry about passing in different potential svg).

I have a function for choropleth maps as well – I tend to not like the functions that you pass in a continuous variable and it does a color map for you. So here it is simple, you pass in a discrete variable with the label, and a second dictionary with the mapped colors. I tend to not use choropleth maps in interactive maps very often, as they are more difficult to visualize with the background map. But there you have it if you want it.

The final part is using javascript to insert the Crime Decoder logo (as a title in the legend/layer control), as well as the map attribution with additional text. These are inserted via additional javascript functions that I append to the html (so this wouldn’t work say inline in a jupyter notebook). The logo part is fairly simple, the map attribution though is more complicated, and requires creating an event listener in javascript on the correct elements.

The way that this works, I actually have to save the HTML file, then I reread the text back into python, add in additional CSS/javascript, and then resave the file.

If you want something like this for your business/website/analysts, just get in contact.

For next tasks, I want to build a demo-dashboard for Crime De-Coder (probably a serverless dashboard using wasm/pyscript). But in terms of leaflet extras, the ability to embed SVG into different elements, you can create charts in popups/tooltips, which would be a cool addition to my hotspots (click and it has a time series chart inside).

A statistical perspective on year-to-date metrics

Jerry Ratcliffe, and now more recently Jeff Asher, have written about how volatile early year projection of year-to-date (YTD) percent changes. I am going to write about this is not the right way to frame the problem in my opinion – I will present a better behaved estimate that is less volatile, but clearly doesn’t give police departments what they want.

Going to the end advice first – people find me irksome for the suggestion, but you shouldn’t be using percent changes at all. A simple alternative I have stated for low count crime data is a Poisson Z-score, which is simply 2*(sqrt(Current) - sqrt(Past)) – a value of greater than 3 or 4 is a signal the two processes are significantly different (under the null hypothesis that the counts have a Poisson distribution).

A Better YTD estimate

So here I am going to present a more accurate YTD percent change metric – but don’t take that as advice you should be using YTD percent change. It is more of an exercise to say why you shouldn’t be using this metric to begin with. Year end percent change is defined as:

(Current - Past)/Past = % Change

Note that you can rewrite this as:

Current/Past - Past/Past  = % Change
Current/Past - 1          = % Change

So really it is only the ratio of Current/Past that we care about estimating, the translating to a percent doesn’t matter. In the above equations, I am writing these as cumulative totals for the whole year. So lets do breakdowns via subscripts, and shorten Current and Past to C and P respectively. So say we have data through January, people typically estimate the YTD percent change then as:

(C_January - P_January)/P_January = % Change January

To make it easier, I am going to write e subscript for early, and l subscript for later. So if we then estimate YTD for February, we then have C_January + C_February = C_e. Also note that C_e + C_l = Current, the early observed values plus the later unobserved values equals the year totals. This identifies a clear error when people use only subsets of the data to do YTD year end projections (what both Jerry and Jeff did in their posts to argue against early YTD estimates). You should not just use P_e in your estimate, you should use the full prior year counts.

Lets go back to our year end estimate, writing in early/later form:

[C_e + C_l - (P_e + P_l)]/(P_e + P_l) = % Change

This only has one unknown in the equation – C_l, the unknown rest of year projection. You should not use (C_e - P_e)/P_e, as this introduces several stochastic elements where none are needed. P_e is not necessarily a good estimate of P_e + P_l. So lets do a simple example, imagine we had homicide totals:

     Past Current
Jan    2     1
Feb    0      
Mar    1      
Apr    1      
May    1      
Jun    1      
Jul    1      
Aug    1      
Sep    1      
Oct    1      
Nov    1      
Dec    1      
Tot   12

The naive way of doing YTD estimates, we would say our January YTD estimates are (1 - 2)/2 = -50%. Whereas I am saying, you should use (1 + C_l)/12 – filling in whatever value you project to the rest of the year totals C_l. Simple ones you can do in a spreadsheet are ‘no change’, just fill in the prior year which here would be C_l = 10, and would give a YTD percent change estimate of (11 - 12)/12 ~ -8%. Or another simple one is extrapolate, which would be C_l = C_e*(1/year_proportion) = 1*12, so (12 - 12)/12 = 0%. (You would really want to fit a model with seasonal and trend components and project out the remaining part of the year, which will often be somewhere between these two simpler methods.)

So far this is just theoretical “should be a better estimator” – lets show with some actual data. Python code to replicate here, but I took open data from Cary, NC, which goes back to 2000, so we have a sample of 22 years. Estimates of the error, broken down by month and version, are below. The naive estimate is how it is typically done (equivalent to Jeff/Jerry’s blog posts), the running estimate is taking prior to fill in C_l, and extrapolate is using the current months to fill in. The error metrics are | (estimated % change) - (actual year end % change) |, and the stats show the mean (standard deviation) of the sample (n=22). Here are the metrics for larceny, which average 123 per month over the sample:

       Naive   Running  Extrapolate
Jan   12 (7)    6 (4)     10 (7)
Feb    8 (6)    6 (4)     11 (7)
Mar    9 (6)    5 (3)      8 (6)
Apr    9 (7)    5 (3)      8 (5)
May    7 (6)    5 (3)      6 (4)
Jun    6 (4)    4 (3)      4 (3)
Jul    5 (3)    4 (3)      4 (3)
Aug    4 (3)    3 (2)      3 (2)
Sep    3 (2)    3 (2)      2 (2)
Oct    2 (1)    2 (1)      2 (1)
Nov    1 (1)    1 (1)      1 (1)
Dec    0 (0)    0 (0)      0 (0)

And here are the metrics for burglary, which average 28 per month over the sample. Although these have higher error metrics (due to lower/more volatile baseline counts), my estimator is still better than the naive one for the majority of the year.

       Naive   Running  Extrapolate
Jan   34 (25)   12 (8)    24 (23)
Feb   15 (14)   11 (7)    16 (13)
Mar   15 (14)   12 (7)    15 (11)
Apr   15 (11)   10 (7)    13 ( 8)
May   14 (10)   10 (7)    10 ( 7)
Jun   11 ( 8)   10 (7)     8 ( 6)
Jul    9 ( 7)    9 (7)     7 ( 5)
Aug    7 ( 5)    8 (5)     6 ( 3)
Sep    6 ( 4)    6 (5)     4 ( 3)
Oct    6 ( 4)    5 (4)     3 ( 3)
Nov    3 ( 3)    3 (3)     2 ( 2)
Dec    0 ( 0)    0 (0)     0 ( 0)

Running tends to do better for earlier in the year (and for smaller N samples). Both the running and extrapolate estimates are closer to the true year end percent change compared to the naive estimate in around 70% of the observations in this sample. (And tends to be even more pronounced in the smaller crime count categories, closer to 80% to 90% of the time better.)

In Jerry’s and Jeff’s posts, they use a metric +/- 5 to say “it is close” – this corresponds to in my tables absolute errors in the range of 5 percentage points. You meet that criteria on average in this sample for my estimator in March for Larcenies (running) and September (extrapolate) for Burglaries.

To be clear though, even with the more accurate projections, you should not use this estimate.

What do police departments want?

So Jeff may literally want an end-of-year projection for when he writes a Times article – similar to how a government might give a year end projection for GDP growth. But this is not what most police departments want when they calculate YTD metrics. So saying in turn “you shouldn’t use YTD because the error is high” to me misses the boat a bit. I can give a metric that has lower error rates, but you still shouldn’t use YTD percent change.

What police departments want to examine is the more general question “are my numbers high?” – you can further parse this into “are my numbers high consistently over the past date range” (of which the past year is just a convenient demarcation) or “are my numbers anomalous high right now”. The former is asking about long term trends, and the latter is asking about short term increases. Part of why I don’t like YTD is that it masks these two metrics – a spike early in the year can look like a perpetual long term upward trend later in the year.

I have training material showing off two different types of charts I like to use in lieu of YTD metrics. These can identify anomalous short term and long term trends. Here is an example weekly chart showing trends (in black line) and short term spikes (outside the error intervals):

So this is an uber nerd post – I hope it has general lessons though. One is that if you need to estimate Y, and you can write Y as a function of other variables, some that are variable and some that are not, e.g. Y = f(x1,c), then maybe you should just focus on estimating x1 in this scenario, not model Y directly.

In terms of more general statistical modeling of crime trends, I have debated in the past examining more thoroughly seasonal-trend decomposition techniques, but I think the examples I give above are quite sufficient for most analysis (and can be implemented in a spreadsheet).

Crime De-Coder LLC Website

So I have created CRIME De-Coder LLC, a firm to do my consulting work with police departments. Check out my website, crimede-coder.com.

Feedback is welcome. In particular check out the services pages, and my first blog post on what distinguishes my services from most firms. Providing computer code to generate the end product is “teaching a man a fish”, whereas most firms just drop a final report and leave.

And of course feel free to reach out to consult@crimede-coder.com if you are interested in pursuing a project. Going forward I plan on making a new post around once a month, so sign up in your feed reader or using a service like IFTTT.

Setting up a stand alone website is not that hard in the end. Currently it is a static site with some custom javascript (hosted on Hostinger). I should do a PHP server for the new blog posts and RSS feed eventually, but for now this is fine. I suggest for those interested in the same get the Jon Duckett books (HTML/Javascript/PHP) for overview of the tech, and then check out Dani Kross’s youtube tutorials (for random things like editing the htaccess file).

I am not doing a newsletter for the blog-posts, as I am concerned it will get my email on random block lists. But if there is demand for it in the future I will figure out some other service I guess to do that.

I wanted a more bare-metal setup (not a hosted wordpress like this site), as in the future I will likely do demo’s of dashboards, host some pyscript, make a sign in for paid content, etc. I just wanted flexibility from the start. So stay tuned for more content from CRIME De-Coder!

Scorpion was probably not doing hot spots policing

So the Wall Street Journal had a recent article describing how crackdowns in hot spots of crime may not be the best policing tactic, Tyre Nichols Case Prompts Questions About Police Tactics in Crime Hot Spots. This is actually an OK article, but to be clear “hot spots” policing isn’t really defined by police tactics, hot spots are just a method to identify small areas with the most crime in a city. Identifying the hot spots does not explicitly determine the policing (or non-policing) tactic that one should use to reduce crime in that area. The Washington Post had a recent article in a similar vein critiquing the work of Tamara Herold in Breonna Taylor’s death. The WaPo article even prompted a response by a group of well known criminologists how it was inappropriate to blame Herold’s strategy.

So hotspots have always had a mix of different policing tactics that go with it, the most common strategies I would say are problem oriented policing (Braga et al., 1999), increased street or traffic stops (MacDonald et al., 2016; Sherman & Rogan, 1995), or simply patrolling/hanging out in the area (Groff et al., 2015; Koper, 1995). The WSJ article talks about Joel Caplan’s RTM group (which I think do good work), and they are really just doing a version of problem oriented policing. (POP has always had a component of working in tandem with the community and different public/private sector agencies.)

One of the reasons I wanted to write about this post though, is that often in my career I see a disconnect in purportedly hot spots policing (or similar tactics, such as DDACTS) on paper and what is actually happening on the ground. So using the Memphis Open Crime Data, I identified the top 100 street segments in terms of violent crime (code on github to replicate). As I suspected, the place where Nichols was pulled over is not a hot spot of crime, making the connection between the Scorpion units behavior and hot spots policing tactics a bit suspect.

If the embedded google map does now work, here is a screen shot to show how none of the top 100 street midpoints are around the location of where Nichol’s was initially stopped:

It happens to be the case that officers often have misperceptions of where hot spots are (Macbeth & Ariel, 2019; Ratcliffe & McCullagh, 2001). And that if left to no oversight, there tends to be a mismatch between where police proactivity is occurring and where the most serious crime is spatially concentrated (Wheeler et al., 2018). That is why a system to feed back information to officers for whether they are making high quality stops is so important (Worden et al., 2018).

To be clear, this is not me making excuses for researchers or crime analysts to not know what is actually occurring in their jurisdictions, and to potentially ignore the secondary harms that can come with intensive policing. But in my experience, taking the time to do hot spots policing right, which at its most basic is actually identifying hot spots using data, is a good sign that police departments take seriously the tactics they use and to seriously think about mitigating some of these secondary harms. Hot spots policing does not intrinsically result in unequal outcomes, which can be done via tactics that mitigate harm (such as problem oriented policing), or constructing a hot spots policy that promotes racial equity in outcomes from the start (Wheeler, 2020).


  • Braga, A.A., Weisburd, D.L., Waring, E.J., Mazerolle, L.G., Spelman, W., & Gajewski, F. (1999). Problem‐oriented policing in violent crime places: A randomized controlled experiment. Criminology, 37(3), 541-580.
  • Groff, E. R., Ratcliffe, J. H., Haberman, C. P., Sorg, E. T., Joyce, N. M., & Taylor, R. B. (2015). Does what police do at hot spots matter? The Philadelphia policing tactics experiment. Criminology, 53(1), 23-53.
  • Koper, C.S. (1995). Just enough police presence: Reducing crime and disorderly behavior by optimizing patrol time in crime hot spots. Justice Quarterly, 12(4), 649-672.
  • Macbeth, E., & Ariel, B. (2019). Place-based statistical versus clinical predictions of crime hot spots and harm locations in Northern Ireland. Justice Quarterly, 36(1), 93-126.
  • MacDonald, J., Fagan, J., & Geller, A. (2016). The effects of local police surges on crime and arrests in New York City. PLoS one, 11(6), e0157223.
  • Ratcliffe, J.H., & McCullagh, M.J. (2001). Chasing ghosts? Police perception of high crime areas. British Journal of Criminology, 41(2), 330-341.
  • Sherman, L.W., & Rogan, D.P. (1995). Effects of gun seizures on gun violence:“Hot spots” patrol in Kansas City. Justice Quarterly, 12(4), 673-693.
  • Wheeler, A.P. (2020). Allocating police resources while limiting racial inequality. Justice Quarterly, 37(5), 842-868.
  • Wheeler, A. P., Steenbeek, W., & Andresen, M. A. (2018). Testing for similarity in area‐based spatial patterns: Alternative methods to Andresen’s spatial point pattern test. Transactions in GIS, 22(3), 760-774.
  • Worden, R.E., McLean, S.J., Wheeler, A.P., Reynolds, D.L., Dole, C., Cochran, H. Smart Stops: An Inquiry into Proactive Policing. Summary Report to the National Institute of Justice, Award No. 2013-MU-CX-0012.

ptools R package update

So as an update to my R package ptools, I have bumped a major version change to 2.0, which is now up on CRAN.

There is no new functionality, but I wanted to bump versions because I swapped out using rgdal/rgeos with sf (rgdal and rgeos are being deprecated). All the functions currently still take as inputs/output sp objects. If I ever get around to it, I will convert the functions to take either. They are somewhat inefficient with conversions, but if you are doing something where it matters you should likely switch data-engineering to another system entirely (such as via SQL in postgis directly). Generating hexagons should actually be faster now, as the sf version I swapped out is vectorized (whereas how I was using sp prior was a loop).

I debate every now and then just letting this go. I can see on cranlogs I have a total of just over 1k (as of 2/7/2023) downloads, and averaged 200 some last month (grand total, last month).

Time is finite, so I have debated on dropping this and just porting most of the functions over into python. Those cumulative downloads are partially bots (I may have racked up 100 of those downloads in my CICD actions). Let me know if you actually use this, as that gives me feedback whether to bother continuing to develop/update this.